Protection on all levels

The Clusit 2022 report on ICT security in Italy shows that, in 2021, cyber attacks increased by 10% on the previous year and are becoming increasingly dangerous. Consequently, Cybersecurity has become an increasingly pressing issue in recent years, especially since endpoints are scattered across the country due to remote work, and since technological developments, unfortunately, now also include techniques for attacking computer systems.

In order to address these ever-increasing threats, it is necessary to have cybersecurity solutions in place, which must be designed in such a way that they are able to cover the entire spectrum of corporate IT systems, and a partner that is capable of monitoring the performance of corporate computer systems and of selecting the technologies that are best suited to protect them. Moreover, it is essential to incorporate appropriate personnel training into the company’s business strategy.

more than just technology

Performance Assessment

With its Euris Technology business unit, specialising in cybersecurity, Euris offers a comprehensive consultancy service in order to check the performance of corporate systems.

Top Vendor… for you!

Thanks to our network of partners, we can subsequently select and implement the best solution available on the market, which meets each client’s specific need, thus ensuring that the entire computer system is protected.

Security Awareness

In addition, our security awareness team offers training sessions for both HR staff and company employees, which focus on both the use of technology and on raising awareness around cybersecurity.

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Keep your company as safe as possible

We recommend the best cybersecurity solution we can offer to each of our clients to protect their infrastructure, without having to rely on specific brands, but rather finding the one that perfectly meets their needs.

It is vital to fully protect your company against attacks, especially when endpoints are scattered across the country. With Synchronised Security by Sophos, you can manage everything from a single panel

Our personnel are trained to teach your employees all about cybersecurity, through lectures, testing and digital classes.

More than 90% of the e-mails we receive are a potential threat for us: for instance, think of phishing, malware, ransomware, etc.

Libraesva Email Security Gateway is a predictive email security system that helps you prevent all kinds of threats

Prevention by deception: the motto of Deceptive Bytes. A system for detecting unknown and sophisticated attacks through deception.

Why put your company at risk?

Contact us for a consultation, and together we will find the right solution for your needs

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Do you want to know the business unit that deals with cybersecurity?
Euris Technology

Specialised in ICT Governance, System Integration, Cybersecurity and Business Continuity. It provides customers with enabling technologies to make business digital information constantly available, accessible, shareable and protected, also as a result of collaboration with international partners and top vendors on the market.